Results and automation for influencer marketing

Automate your influencer marketing without losing sight of the results. Our Artificial Intelligence helps you from the search for influencers to the best posting strategy.

Who is Artemis for?

Companies and Agencies

For those looking to create campaigns, find and manage influencers or manage and measure campaign results

Content Creators

For those who already create content, and want more access and visibility to receive more proposals, briefings and campaigns to participate in.

How Artemis works


Access the account, register campaigns and manage insights.

Artificial Intelligence

Matchmaking between brand and influencers, delivering campaign insights.


Register, receive proposals, track results.

Como funciona Artemis


Acessa a conta, cadastra campanhas e gerencia insights.

Inteligencia Artificial

Faz Matchmaking entre, marca e influencers, entrega insights de campanha.


Se cadastra, recebe propostas, acompanha resultados.

Create your campaign in just a few steps.


Define your objective and audience

Describe your objectives and select demographic data to get the best results from our AI


Select your interests and channels

At this stage you choose the interests and channels you already use to connect with your audience.


Build your Dream Team

Based on your brief, our artificial intelligence finds the most suitable creators for your campaign.

How does Artemis

deliver results?

We have a powerful AI that is able to cross-check demographic and channel interest data to not only find the best influencers for your campaign, but also provide insights into how to plan it to get the best results.

Access the App

Artemis A.I_Deck (1)

Personalized insights for your campaign

Here are some examples of cases in which our Influence Marketing has contributed to the success of companies and brands like yours.

Frequently Asked Questions

Unravel the common mysteries of our company: Here are the enlightening answers to the questions you ask the most.

No. Artemis is a SaaS 360 for companies and agencies that want to better understand influencer data, create campaigns, measure results and increase the ROI of their influencer marketing investment.

We use a combination of artificial intelligence and manual research to identify influencers who align with your brand identity and desired target audience. In addition, we consider the influencer’s engagement, authenticity and reach to ensure maximum impact.

We use a combination of artificial intelligence and manual research to identify influencers who align with your brand identity and desired target audience. In addition, we consider the influencer’s engagement, authenticity and reach to ensure maximum impact.

We use a combination of artificial intelligence and manual research to identify influencers who align with your brand identity and desired target audience. In addition, we consider the influencer’s engagement, authenticity and reach to ensure maximum impact.

We use a combination of artificial intelligence and manual research to identify influencers who align with your brand identity and desired target audience. In addition, we consider the influencer’s engagement, authenticity and reach to ensure maximum impact.

No, the Artemis fee is just the platform fee. Through the tool you will be able to send contracts and understand the values with the influencers.


Simplify influencer marketing with automation, focusing on results. Our AI helps with the entire process, from the search for influencers to the ideal publishing strategy.


How it works


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